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My mind is having many thoughts. Not many useful ones as I try to come up with a topic to write about this week. But many thoughts are occurring.

I guess the main thought that I’m having is that I have no thoughts. But then again, that is a thought. Therefore, I do have thoughts, just not ones that I want to have.

As Descartes once described it “I think therefore I am”. But I’m not questioning my existence; I’m just questioning my ability to write anything of substance. Is this substantial? Is what I’m writing of any substance?

You can’t answer me. Well you can later on in the comments if you’d like but as I’m writing this, you can’t answer back to me. Maybe that’s a good thing. It shouldn’t really matter to me what you think; we started this blog to have fun, not to impress anyone. But i do care. I think i care too much really. That’s a problem for another day.

The point is, I have many thoughts and yet no real thoughts at all. And this is all I have to say. Thank you for your time.

P.s. so very sorry that i didn’t post last week. I’m sure you were all devastated. I forgot and then remembered and decided I’d write a really good post this week to make up for it. As you can see, that worked out very well.