I’ve kinda struggled with this recently. I grew up in a pretty traditional Christian home so I really hadn’t thought about it much. I thought that God only spoke through the words written in His word, the Bible.
But recently I’ve just come to the sorta realisation that God communicates with us in loads of ways. When i say realisation, i mean that God keeps speaking to me and i keep ignoring it. I keep telling myself that it’s not God, it’s just a coincidence, or it’s just my mind making it up, or it’s just lucky that that specific person knew exactly what i needed to hear and said it to me.
Well that’s kinda ridiculous isn’t it. This is the all-powerful God we’re talking about. The God who healed the sick and brokenhearted, banished demons, split the Red Sea, and literally made the entire earth. He can do anything. But i don’t believe that He would speak to me?
So maybe it’s not a question of whether or not God can speak to me in many different ways. Because everything is possible through Him. Maybe i just don’t believe that God would want to speak to me individually. That He would willingly use one of His people to speak only to me. Why is it that I’m sceptical when a person prays for me and speaks directly into what I’m experiencing, often seeming as though they knew me inside out when i know that there is a God who knows every single thought that I’ve ever had. And knows exactly what I need to hear and knows what His plans are for me.
I haven’t really come to an answer with the question of how God speaks to us. Theologically, i really don’t know much about it. But from experience, i know that God has spoken to me in lots of contexts and using His people.
And while I don’t have an answer, i have come to the conclusion that i must seek to experience the presence of God. I have to become a good listener.