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Missed me?

No that’s alright you don’t have to answer that.

Been a little while, hasn’t it? I can only apologize. And provide Adrianne with, what at the point must surely be, a lifetime supply of drinks.

I won’t go into why this little absence started initially, other than to say that group projects suck.

I’m actually in the Netherlands as I write this, in Rotterdam. It’s been a weird family holiday, not just because it’s been a minute since we did this, all five of us. It’s simply a weird time of year for all of us to be here, Mom and Dad and with the work they needed to be doing while we prepared for it, and I with the work I s_till_ need to be doing even during it.

Nice place though, Rotterdam. Wide streets, cool architecture. Good public transport – apart from the nightmare it’s been getting a rail card, which arrived yesterday afternoon after I and Elijah had forked out for a ride to Amsterdam.

Speaking of, Amsterdam’s cool too. The canals are beautiful, although we got a lot of rain while we walked along them, then sun when we were in the more metropolitan area, precisely the wrong way around. We found a nice coffee cafe (the ackward phrasing is required – all “cafes” are really whole restaurants and bars, and all “coffeeshops”… well…) a cool burger joint (as in a place that sells burgers, not some kind of beef-flavoured grass), and a film museum that had a crazy exhibition on “Cosmic Realism”. It included this 2012 documentary, Leviathan, about the fish trawling industry, which was strangely hypnotic.

Alas the family calls me away even as I write. ‘Till next time (which will be this time next week, I promise).